
Passionate about marketing

“20 years in marketing has shown me the transformative power informed and strategic marketing can have on a business.”

Jane Clark, Founder

How VIE Marketing was born

After a career traversing corporate, government and agency roles, I had my sons in the mid to late 2000s. I was keen to remain in the career I loved, however found that challenging, senior roles in marketing just weren’t available on a flexible, part time basis.

All around me were women who had impressive careers, postgraduate qualifications, but who were finding it difficult to further their careers in a meaningful way.

After freelancing for a few years, I found that SMEs were in desperate need for strategic marketing advice, but often couldn’t afford the typical marketing agency fees.

Agile, streamlined, high value

This is how VIE Marketing was born – to connect experienced, talented marketing consultants with small to medium businesses. The idea was to work remotely, so we could offer an agile, streamlined marketing service that offered exceptional value.

No city fringe office, pods for the creatives or fancy networking events.

Our clients pay only for our expertise and experience. I am proud that VIE Marketing is able to offer a level of senior marketing advice to SMEs that normally would only be accessible to large companies.

With us, it’s just about the results.

‘Farmer Gregie’ and I accepting the award for Marketing Program of the Year in the 2014 AMI Awards for Marketing Excellence.